Hans Fallada

In 1996 I took part in my first graffiti jam. 25 years later I applied to the artbase festival 2019 and they accepted me.

It took place at the former lunatic asylm nearby Neustrelitz. While making my research on this place, I found out that the German author Hans Fallada (he wrote books like “Little Man, What now?” or “Who Once Ate out of the Tin Bowl.”) might have spent some time at the end of 1944, after he had an argument with his wife. There he wrote his book “The Drinker”, that saved him from being murdered in a concentration camp.

I dedicated my room to this great author, who wrote critically on society after WW1.

“Hans Fallada in Domjüch.”
Contribution for the Artbase Festival 2019.
Spraypaint, pages from Fallada’s book “Little Man, What now?” book and two stencils on concrete.
approx. 1,20 x 2,20 m
Neustrelitz, Germany, 2019.


Fallada’s portrait on the former hospital, where he passed away. Today it is a school. Blankenburger Straße 21, Berlin-Niederschönhausen.